Building Delegate Selection

1. The position of building delegate must be declared open every spring.
All TCTA members are eligible to serve as building delegate.
2. The number of delegates in a building depends on your building membership.
1 – 25 TCTA members = One delegate;
26 – 50 TCTA members = Two delegates;
51 – 75 TCTA members = Three delegates;
76 – 100 TCTA members = Four delegates.
We also welcome delegate teams as long as the number of voting delegates stays within the guidelines.
3. If you have more people interested in the delegate position than you have openings, you must hold an election.
4. If there are only enough people willing to do it to fill the openings, then there should be a vote to determine who is the main delegate. The others would automatically be designated as alternates. The current building delegate could select a group of members from the building, who are not on the ballot, to receive and count the ballots.
5. If the current building delegate will be a candidate in an election, they need to have someone else conduct the election: an objective member of the building office staff or someone from the TCTA office.
6. If the current building delegate will NOT be a candidate in an election, then they may conduct the election.
7. Fill out the New Delegate Information sheet (even if you’re returning), turn it in to TCTA, and bring your new building delegate(s) to the May Delegates Assembly to be introduced.
1. Attend Delegates Assembly on the second Wednesday of every month.
2. Share the information from Delegates Assembly with your building membership by holding a meeting or by “electronic meeting” – sending out your notes via e-mail.
3. Set up an e-mail distribution list for all of the members in your building. (TCTA can help you with this.)
4. Disburse paper materials to the members in the building.
5. Encourage members to join and participate in the TCTA Facebook page.
6. Contact someone from the TCTA office to represent members in meetings with administration.
7. Always remember that you are the face of TCTA to the people in your building. If their interaction with you is positive, then their perception of TCTA will be positive.